Money Exchange

Exchange rates are determined by the value of one country's currency in another country. There is different selling rate and buying rate for each of the currencies. The offers best of the services if you want to sell or buy foreign currency. If you are a foreigner and want exchange your currency for local currency, we offer you the best exchange rate.we offer the best buying rate for foreign currency that you may require in exchange of your local currency. We are very competitive in the exchange rates and to us customer’s satisfaction is our top priority
Travel card/ Traveler's Cheque

Travel Card is a pre-paid foreign currency card that makes your foreign trip totally hassle-free. This travel card can be used abroad for getting cash at any VISA accepting ATM .You can make payments towards e-commerce transactions with the travel etc.The offers best of the services to buy a Travel Card. You can place your request for Travel Card at the service desk of We offer competitive price for foreign exchange rate since we want to make your travel hassle free. Customer’s satisfaction remains our top priority